Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Being a runner...

An year back, I started running..... Most of the runners that I have met so far, had started running to burn some cals and keep them healthy.. But, mine is a different story.. I was listening an audio lecture from Dr Wayne.. In that he speaks about the way he started running and the difference that it has made to his life. Now, you might think that there are tons of such stories that you hear every day; then what makes it different.

Through out my life; I have seen myself as a non-athletic person. That one line from Wayne made a great difference in my life "You will see it, when you believe it" . The way he narrated his life story inspired to me create a mental picture of me being athletic. And, that has made a huge difference in my life.. I have couple of 10ks and planning for a marathon this year..

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